Before we start, do you know what Journaling really means? – It is a practice of writing your thoughts and feelings in a diary or journal. I started my journaling journey in the year 2017 and I still do it until now. It started when a friend of mine gives me a plain notebook and colored pens since then, my hobby is collecting different kinds of pens and papers. Journaling may be easy for others and some it’s difficult. Just keep reading! – To know the basics of how to start journaling. What Essentials Should I Use? Journal To start journaling, you need a journal. There are four (4) types of journals you can find in the nearest stationery shops: Lined journal, Grid journal, Plain journal, and Bullet journal. Among the 4, a bullet journal is a commonly used journal in the journaling world. Did you know that journals have different sizes too? There are lengthwise journal, A5, A6, and A7 (Micro) size journal. You just